There is literally nothing else I have to 'prove' that we are teaching our children at home.except that they are home with me on most days. I could carry around a copy of the letter I have on file from our county education office, showing that they have received our notice of intent to home educate our children, but I don't want it to get lost if my purse was stolen, etc. In our particular state, no 'proof' of home education is given by the state government or individual school districts. In order to receive educational discounts at fabric and craft stores, gain less expensive entry for field trips at an education discount, and other things, it has been beneficial to be able to 'prove' that our family is a home educating family. Over the years, I've found that it has helped to carry a Homeschool I.D.
Though I've blocked out some personal information, t his is a general idea of what our family's homeschool I.D.